18 April 2008

Watch out below!

Drivers tend to ignore all but the most basic of road signs most likely because we all suffer from ‘signage overload’.

A red light will still get most drivers to stop but a junction marking stating STOP is often ignored according to the Irish Advanced Motorists.

With so many direction and road signs competing for our attention, we already have our head full of information coming at us at eye level. This makes it easier to miss the ones painted on the tarmac beneath us.

A rule of thumb is the more paint there is on the road surface, the more potential danger there is.

Remember, a double white line down the middle of the carriageway is there to prevent vehicles crossing onto the other carriageway at that point.

Unofficial road surface markings include the long, snaking skid mark which means some unfortunate has had a crash, or a near miss.

When you see these, ask yourself what might have happened and avoid getting into the same situation!