Speaking on the ‘Late Late Show’, he said the policies pushed by the Greens last year which changed the VRT rates drastically have cost the State more than €1.5 billion annually in revenue.
“Two years ago the motor trade provided €2 billion in taxes,” he said. “This year they’ll get €500 million.”
He said that car dealerships on average had already cut their staffs by a quarter, and he predicted that 200 more dealerships will go to the wall between now and the end of the year, with the loss of many more jobs.
He also criticised the lack of leadership from the current Government, saying he simply didn’t understand why there wasn’t any apparent attempt at stimulating the economy.
He advised people who were still in work to ‘hold onto their good jobs’ and work harder, if only to make sure that when it came to letting people go, they weren’t on the list.