9 January 2010

Be careful walking

While walking on footpaths and in public places, or entering and exiting your car or truck, DO NOT underestimate the dangers of snow and ice, advises the Road Safety Authority, today Saturday 9th January 2010.

Each winter slip and fall accidents cause serious injuries. Even when surfaces do not look especially icy or slippery, it is very possible that a thin sheet of transparent ice or “Black Ice” is covering your pathway putting you at risk. When you approach a footpath or roadway that appears to be covered with ice or snow, always use extreme caution.

Dr. Iomhar O’Sullivan, Consultant in Emergency Medicine in the Emergency Department of Cork University Hospital says “We have seen a ten fold increase in injuries due to falls as a result of the snow and icy conditions. The most typical injuries we have seen are fractures and dislocations of the wrist, shoulder and ankle.”

“We would typically associate these injuries, resulting from falls, with older persons however the current conditions have reversed that trend with a significant increase in younger people presenting in our Emergency Department with these injuries.”

He added that “Many slips and falls are happening in places people regard as safe and secure, typically outside their front door, on the door step, on the path or while getting out of the car.”

“My advice is to wear appropriate footwear, don’t walk with your hands in your pockets, walk with your hands out and wear gloves so you can break your fall if you do slip. It’s better to have a broken wrist than a cracked skull.”

“Lastly you would be surprised at the number of people picking up with injures after falling while out jogging. Not a good idea in these conditions.” Concluded Dr O’Sullivan.