19 January 2010

Over 70s are safe drivers

Over 70 and a driver? Well, the good news is that you're not likely to be any more a cause of accidents than a fresh 30-year-old.

That's according to research carried out on behalf of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, which is based in the UK.

The results are from research on that other island, but there's no reason to believe a similar survey here would be different.

The research says that while 8 percent of UK drivers are over 70 and they are involved in around 4 percent of injury crashes, in the segment of 15 per cent of drivers who are in their teens and 20s, 34 percent are involved in injury crashes.”

Other key findings:
• In the next 20 years the number of male drivers over 70 will double, female drivers will treble.
• Drivers over 70 are safer on bends and overtaking than 50 year olds, but are more at risk at roundabouts, junctions and slip roads on high speed roads.
• In some traffic situations, older drivers are less likely to be in a crash because they tend to adopt a more careful and restrained driving style.
• No particular age was identified where there is sudden increase in crash involvement.
• Older drivers self regulate and take fewer trips on motorways, in poor light or wet weather, or at peak times.
• Drivers over 85 are four times more likely to have caused a crash than to have been an innocent victim of one.
• Crashes in which older women are to blame peak about five years earlier than those for older men.