21 February 2011

Back seat drivers are most annoying

Irish motorists have identified back seat drivers unable to keep their hands, feet and thoughts to themselves and who brake hard before every junction and comment on every turn, as the most annoying type of passenger to have in your car.

The finding is from a survey of motorists on the topic of annoying passengers carried out by Continental Tyres.

This was followed by 'fiddlers (42 percent) who twiddle with buttons, air con and switch between radio stations.

Sleepers (35 percent), people who nod off within minutes of setting off were third. Fourth worst offenders were Road Ragers, passengers who get riled by other motorists, and who sometimes utter expletives or wave rude hand gestures.

SatNags - who make sure you're heading in the right direction and bark directions at you took fifth place, followed by 'Know it Alls' who know better than anyone about any subject.

Some 85 percent said they have previously asked a passenger to leave their car out of frustration. But more than half said they would be happy to travel alone only 'some of the time'.

Paddy Murphy of Continental Tyres Ireland said: "Driving is the time we need to be most alert and an annoying passenger can be an unhelpful distraction."

He suggests the driver should calmly tell the passenger that what they are doing is distracting, and above all, should keep his/her focus on the road.

Drunken mates, partners and Dads were named the worst to share a journey with.