The company says it has a 'policy of commercial goodwill' which offers the possibility of 'partial or even total' coverage of the costs of rectifying the defective mechanisms, subject to terms and conditions.
This follows adverse comment on last week's 'Consumer Show' on RTE about how the company has reacted to complaints on the issue.
"We invite any Renault customer who has a window mechanism issue on this previous model Mégane to take their car to a Renault dealer to be assessed," the company says in a statement on its website. "Your Renault dealer will then inform you of the eligibility of your specific case for coverage under this policy. You will find your nearest Renault dealership on”
The company says it issued the statement in advance of the airing of the show, but that it wasn't used, a matter which the company 'regrets'.
'The Consumer Show' has published the statement on its own website.
Renault says both the Irish and UK distributors have been providing goodwill coverage on the window mechanisms of the Mégane II models since 2006.