Driving in the dark isn't all danger and drawbacks, but remember speed is more difficult to judge in the dark, especially approach speeds, so take care. And remember, stop and sleep when you need to!
Simon advises to turn on your headlights before sunset and for an hour after sunrise so that it is easier for other drivers to see you in twilight; make sure all your exterior lights are clean and working properly; clean all your windows, inside and out as dirty windows will increase glare.
Properly align mirrors to reduce dazzle as well as blind spots; and reduce glare further by making sure they are clean.
Turn off the interior lights and dim the dashboard if you can as this will cut down on interior reflections. Read the road ahead as you go as glimmers of light at the top of hills and at bends could be the headlights of other vehicles.
Always be able to stop your vehicle within the distance you can see to be clear. On rural roads, drive on full beam whenever possible but dip your lights when faced with another road user to avoid dazzling them.
Use the light shed by vehicles ahead or from roadside lights - not just street lights - to help you see further ahead. And remember to take plenty of breaks as night driving is tiring so you'll need to give yourself and your eyes a rest.