16 December 2011

The car as advertising medium

The day might not be far away when you'll be offered a substantial discount on your new car if you provide a bunch of family information, writes Brian Byrne.

The result could mean that when you drive afterwards, your favourite restaurant could 'talk' to you through your entertainment system if you're in the area, making a short term offer to tempt you in.

It could be the local McDonalds, suggesting that you bring in your son aged six today or tomorrow, to get a birthday treat. Or a florist reminding you to remember your anniversary at the weekend by ordering flowers now for your wife.

Spooky? Maybe. The advertising industry calls it Contextual Branding—the art of sending the right message, to the right audience, at the right time. They have been doing in in Japan for years, on the mobile phone system. But now they're looking at targeting car owners, in cahoots with the dealer networks.

The full story is here in Fast Company magazine.