6 July 2012

29% of male drivers admit to 'near miss'

Some 29 percent of male drivers admit to having a near miss after seeing an attractive woman. It seems females also get distracted, but not by men ...

Men have a roving eye even while behind the wheel, an AA survey of 15,500 Irish motorists has found.

In asking drivers whether various roadside distractions had ever caused them to have a 'near miss' while driving, both genders were distracted in almost equal amounts by sights like advertising billboards, Garda checkpoints or traffic accidents. But when it comes to the distraction provided by an attractive member of the opposite sex, men are way out on their own!

Only 2.3 percent of females said they had been distracted by an attractive male. A whopping 28.8 percent of men said they had been distracted by an attractive female. Kilkenny drivers were tops for almost crashing their car when oogling an attractive woman.

Men overall were slightly more likely to be distracted by looking at a Garda checkpoint or the scene of a collision. They were also twice as likely to be distracted by taking a look at an eye-catching car.

Women prefer to look at roadside art, but one woman admitted to rear-ending another car as a result of admiring the outfit of another woman.