2 August 2012

Ford plans 'Virtual Factory' to improve efficiency

Ford is developing a complete virtual factory to simulate the full assembly line production process. This will allow the company to improve quality and cut costs in real world manufacturing facilities by creating and analysing computer simulations of vehicle production procedures.

Work has already started on the project.

Thousands of components are assembled to manufacture a vehicle. Computer simulation of the assembly process enables the vehicle build process to be tested before investing in the resources they would need for a real-world production line.

In 1997, Ford was the first car maker to use computer simulations to plan vehicle assembly at facilities worldwide. It is now integrated into Ford's development processes.

They can piece together complete cars in a virtual environment and access the construction down to the finest detail. Sophisticated camera technology is used to scan and digitise its real-world manufacturing facilities to create ultra-realistic 3D virtual assembly environments.

The company's Valencia plant, in Spain, is taking the lead in developing virtual factory environments.