14 December 2012

The Force is with M-B

We kind of missed giving you this one earlier in the month, but it might raise a smile on a really dreary Friday, writes Brian Byrne.

It's a design concept from Mercedes-Benz of what a patrol vehicle might be like in the nearly soon future. The Vision Ener-G-Force has small windows help officers within maintain a low profile, rotating beacons on the roof project the strength of police presence in the vicinity.

In other words, 'scare the heck out of the black hats'.

Based on design cues from the G model, we wonder is this what Hummer morphed into?

Anyhow, the concept was developed for a Los Angeles design competiton and will use a a 'hydro-tech converter' (huh?) to convert water into hydrogen for its fuel cell power.

Four wheel-hub electric motors handle any terrain and a 'Terra-Scan' system includes a 360deg topography scanner that automatically adjusts its suspension on the roll.

Just the thing for the Naas Road on a Friday teatime.