26 February 2013

'Brave' to boost Scottish tourism

Scotland's tourism industry is hoping for a boost from the success at the Oscars of the film 'Brave', writes Brian Byrne.

The film won Best Animated Feature at this year’s 85th Academy Awards, after previously scooping the same title at this year’s Golden Globes and BAFTAs.

The movie was inspired by the beauty of Scotland according to the director, Mark Andrews.

'Brave' depicts the myths, legends and romance of Scotland, combining scenery, folklore, heritage, majestic castles and the landscapes of Scotland in animated form.

The tourism business is now promoting a number of destinations around the movie. They include Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre, Perthshire; Falls of Shin, Sutherland, North Highlands; Dunnottar Castle, Aberdeenshire; Pictavia and Angus Pictish Trail, Angus; the standing stones of Callanish, Isle of Lewis and the neolithic attractions of Ring of Brodgar, Orkney; and the 300 square miles of the Galloway Forest Park.

For further information on 'Brave' visit www.visitscotland.com/brave