25 March 2013

Honda helps prevent traffic jams

Honda has developed a system to cut traffic jams using driving instructions given by a smartphone, writes Brian Byrne.

In a test on a public road in Jakarta, Indonesia, the system helped to delay the occurrence of a traffic jam by up to six munites, and improved fuel consumption in the cars involved by at least 20 percent.

In the test, the cars were equipped with an application running on a smartphone which directed the drivers how to drive most efficiently for the conditions. The application monitored patterns of acceleration and deceleration of the vehicles, working out if they were running in a way that would cause a traffic jam.

The overall effect was that the test vehicles were running in sync with each other. The interface used was screen colour based, with a green screen showing no traffic jam potential and a blue screen showing otherwise.

Without the system, when the traffic volume exceeded 200 vehicles per three minutes, the average speed of vehicles rapidly decreased, causing a traffic jam. However, with the system, even when the traffic volume exceeded 200 vehicles per three minutes, the average speed of vehicles increased after a while.