24 May 2013

Real in-car broadband on the way

It used to be that a tape deck was the ultimate technology in the radio part of a car's dashboard, but soon it will be a multi-source broadband router, writes Brian Byrne.

Computer industry giant Cisco is working with a number of car manufacturers to design in such a unit, which will automatically seek out the best broadband source at any moment, be it 3G or 4G or WiFi.

A proof of concept vehicle will be on the road in August, and Cisco says the system will be secure against any hacking attempts.

The network would also be able to work with the dedicated short range communication (DRSC) systems being developed for car-to-car communications.

Cisco says its system would also be available in aftermarket for DRSC, so that owners of current cars could upgrade to car-to-car.

Seven in ten cars are expected to have some form of embedded connectivity by 2017, according to some industry estimates.