26 July 2013

Rain 'brings increases Weils risk'

Canoists, farmers, fishermen at riskPeople in Ireland may be more subject to risk of Weils Disease following the heavy rainstorms of the past few days, according to the Tropical Medical Bureau.

The risk will be particularly high for those using rivers, lakes and other water courses as the urine from rats will have been washed into the water during the heavy rains.

Weils Disease (Leptospirosis) presents with a rapid and severe illness associated with fever, chills, headaches and pronounced muscular aches and pains. The patient can also become jaundiced due to liver irritation and if the diagnosis is unsure and treatment is delayed, it can lead to death.

Each year in Ireland a number of cases are diagnosed, with 15 reported cases in 2012 and eight reported cases so far this year.

Those at particular risk include canoists, swimmers and fishermen, as well as golfers who have to go into the rough to retrieve their wayward balls. Farmers are also a risk group.

It is essential that treatment is started as soon as the disease is suspected in a similar way to how possible cases of meningococcal meningitis are treated.

The privately-operated TMB chain have 22 clinics nationwide. Phone 1850 487674 or visit www.tmb.ie.