Just how did Team Brunel set up this 'Flying Dutchmen' pic?
The Dutch boat's Onboard Reporter Stefan Coppers' extraordinary picture is, he insists, totally genuine and was set up and executed earlier this week. They carried out the stunt while leading the fleet during the 5,264-nautical mile stage from Sanya, China to Auckland, New Zealand.
A close examination by picture desk staff, plus the race's photographic partners Getty Images, has ruled that the photo is genuine.
But particularly incredible is the pose of the sailor apparently hanging on by his fingertips from the halyard in the middle of the picture: Lithuanian Rokas Milevicius.
"Rokas made a sling and I pushed down (on the shutter) at the right time," said Coppers in a message to Race Control on Friday.
The boats still have 2,265nm to go before reaching Auckland around the end of this month.