13 August 2021

Pothole warnings from Mercedes-Benz

New Mercedes-Benz cars have technology that can detect potholes and warn other cars from the brand which have suitable connectivity, writes Brian Byrne. It will also warn of speed bumps.

The system has been rolled out on new C-Class, S-Class and EQS cars, whose chassis control units register pothole or bump events and upload them to the Mercedes-Benz cloud in real time and with positional data. 

The M-B Car-to-X communications service must be activated in sending and receiving vehicles. The service is available on all M-B cars produced since 2016. Cars which receive the pothole and bump information will get an audible warning along with an icon light-up on the instruments, about ten seconds before reaching the relevant location.

Older cars will hear 'Traffic event ahead', while the new cars will hear 'Look out, pothole!' or 'Attention, speed bump!'.