14 November 2023

Nervous times for winter drivers

Almost a third of Irish drivers say they experience a range of nervousness when driving in the rain, writes Brian Byrne

That's according to Continental Tyres Ireland who commissioned a survey that also showed a high degree of concern jumped to 74pc when they had to drive snow and icy conditions.

The survey also indicated that more than half of Irish drivers have opted not to travel on a particular day due to adverse weather.

Motorists need to adapt their driving style with the arrival of wintry conditions, says Continental's Tom Dennigan, adding that they are right to be nervous in such conditions. He also noted that having tyres fit for purpose are an essential element in cutting down accidents due to poor weather.

"Get the simple things right," he says bluntly. "Look after your tyres by checking them regularly. Always wear a seatbelt. Make sure your car is in good general condition. Never drive under the influence of drink or drugs. Slow down and adapt your driving to the prevailing conditions. If we all did those simple things right, it would be a huge boost to road safety in Ireland."