10 June 2024

Continental Tyres again partners with Blood Bikes

Continental Tyres Ireland has renewed its partnership as support vehicle tyre partner for Blood Bikes Leinster, the east coast chapter of the nationwide Association of Blood Bikes, writes Trish Whelan.

The registered charity celebrated the renewal of the partnership for 2024 with the fitting of a new set of UltraContact NXT tyres for one of their support vehicles, a specially liveried Mitsubishi Lancer at Heffernan Tyres in Kildare town. 

Blood Bikes is a registered not-for-profit Irish charity, set up by local volunteers, who look after the timely delivery of blood and associated blood products, human donor breast milk, cancer medication treatments and other time-sensitive material to hospitals and medical centres across the country. It depends totally on public donations and corporate sponsorship. The service is run free of charge for the medical bodies, thanks to the legion of volunteers who give their time freely for this life-saving service. The Blood Bikes teams carry out this valuable service to hospitals ensuring that ambulances or Garda vehicles are not taken out of service and are kept where they are needed the most. 

Fergus Lennon, Regional Coordinator of Blood Bikes Leinster, said they are very appreciative of the partnership with the Continental Tyres Ireland team. “When you spend the amount of time on the road that our volunteers do, you come to appreciate the value of premium tyres both for providing high levels of safety for our drivers and for the longevity of the tyres themselves.” He said these latest tyres from Continental, ’will keep our volunteers safe as they clock up the kilometres’. 

Tom Dennigan of Continental Tyres Ireland said: “We are only too happy to renew our support to Fergus and his team of volunteers as they provide their life-saving service to the people of Ireland.” He added that they do ‘some really incredible work as they were recently in the UK to collect a heart that could not be transported by aircraft - it had to be transported by car and ferry. Continental is supplying its award-winning tyres for use on the Blood Bikes support vehicles, including a 4x4 model, that enables the service to continue operating during even the most arduous of weather conditions. Fergus Lennon and Tom Dennigan are pictured with one of the Leinster Blood Bike support vehicles.