2 October 2024

Neglected tyres can invalidate insurance

Motorists who don't make sure their tyres are fit for safe use could have their insurance policy invalidated, writes Brian Byrne. The stark warning was given to mark Tyre Safety Day on 7 October.

Premium tyre manufacturer Continental, highlighting policy clauses that requires insured drivers to maintain their vehicle in a roadworthy condition at all times, says that if the roadworthiness of a car is deemed to contribute to a road accident, an insurance company can claim that a failure to properly keep up maintenance renders the policy invalid.

Tyres have such an important effect on the overall roadworthiness of a vehicle that drivers should regularly check them, according to head of Continental Tyres Ireland Tom Dennigan. Reinforcing the message, motor engineer and independent insurance assessor David Geary says faulty brakes and worn and defective tyres are generally the most common technical elements cited as key contributory factors in collisions. "The onus is very much on drivers to keep their cars in a roadworthy condition," he says.

Safety organisations and many tyre manufacturers recommend that motorists should think of changing their tyres when the tread depth goes below 3mm as the tyre’s braking ability can be seriously compromised the closer it gets to the legal limit of 1.6mm.