4 May 2009

RSA seeks views on motorcycle safety

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is looking for public views on its proposals to cut motorcycle deaths by half.

Motorcyclists account for 10% of all fatalities on our roads, despite the fact that motorcycles account for less than 2% of all licensed vehicles in the state. A motorcyclist is three times more likely to be killed in Ireland than in other European countries.

In addition to the human and emotional toll of motorcycle collisions the economic cost is also significant. In the four year period 2004 to 2007 motorcycle collisions amounted to €656,000,805.

These are some of the findings contained in a new draft ‘National Motorcycle Safety Action Plan’ published by the RSA. The plan aims to save over 20 lives each year.

Specifically, the primary targets of the Motorcycle Safety Action Plan are:

To reduce the number of motorcycle fatalities by 57% (or better), from a base of the 2004-2006 average of 46 per annum, to 20 by 2012;

To reduce the number of injuries by 25% (or better) by the year 2012;

To reduce the number of casualties occurring in built up areas by 30% (or better) by the year 2012;

The action plan also identifies 78 specific actions which are designed to improve the safety of motorcyclists. These have been developed following the results of an in-depth analysis of motorcycle collisions over the period January 1997 to December 2006, and are supported by research and best practice from countries in the European Union and beyond.

The actions being proposed focus on ways of reducing motorcycle casualties by concentrating on measures to improve, road design and maintenance; education and training; motorcycle equipment; enforcement; and evaluation.

The consultative process will commence on 24th April 2009 and last eight weeks until 19th June 2009. The public are invited to contribute by commenting on individual aspects of the Action Plan and/or making a formal submission.

Comments or submissions may also be e-mailed to motorcycleactionplan@rsa.ie or posted to Research Unit, Road Safety Authority, Moy Valley Business Park, Primrose Hill, Ballina, Co Mayo. Please mark the envelope “Motorcycle Action Plan”

The Draft National Motorcycle Action Plan may be viewed and/or downloaded from the RSA’s website www.rsa.ie
