3 September 2010

Road controls+Car technology=Robot Drivers?

It's a little extreme, but yesterday the British newspaper The Telegraph reported on a roundabout in Southampton which has no less than 59 traffic traffic lights. Plus 10 'toucan' crossings as well as a maze of cycle lanes.

Maybe we haven't yet got that far in Ireland, but do we have lots of over-controlled crossings and junctions?

An upcoming Forum organised by the Irish Motoring Writers Association, in conjunction with Semperit Tyres, will look at just that topic.

It will also hear about the progress and future technologies in cars, which are designed to make us more comfortable and safer; but are they 'cocooning' us into state of being mere robots?

The Forum, which is open to the public, will take place at Newman House on St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 on Monday, 20 September at 12.30.

Expert speaker at the Forum will be Ben Hamilton-Baillie, a leading proponent of 'Naked Streets', an approach to urban design which involves ridding streets of traffic lights, road signs and markings.

Also speaking will be James Remfrey, Technology Intelligence, Systems & Technology from Continental’s Chassis & Safety Division, who will provide an insight into how car technology is likely to support the role of the driver now and in the future.

The event is aimed at a broad number of audiences including local authorities, road safety groups, architectural and town planning interests, and companies from the motoring field.

Admission is free but advance registration is required. For further information email Dawn Burke at: dburke@cullencommunications.ie.

Pictured at a typical Dublin junction are Paddy Murphy of Semperit Ireland and Martin Brennan, Vice-Chairman of the Irish Motoring Writers Association (IMWA).