11 April 2011

EU wants all-embracing transport ticketing

The European Commission has encouraged Member States to work together to make it possible for passengers to buy a single ticket for a journey in Europe, writes Brian Byrne, regardless of the countries or transport modes involved.

The technology already exists to make seamless multimodal travel possible but help from individual members is needed to remove the remaining barriers, for example by improving the availability and quality of data.

The roadmap to a Single European Transport Area highlighted the importance of having integrated multimodal travel services across the EU.

This will make it possible for passengers to access all information online to better plan their journeys, as well as reserve and purchase a single ticket regardless of the number of EU countries involved or the number of transport modes.

The EU has already encouraged innovation in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) through initiatives such as a directive on the deployment of ITS as well as an action plan containing specific targets.

But they mustn't have heard of this in Dublin, where, after many millions spent in 'evaluation', we still haven't gotten within an ass's roar of combined ticketing for Dublin Bus/DART/LUAS.