18 April 2011

Take that break!

AA Ireland has issued an Easter break warning about driver fatigue, writes Brian Byrne.

The organisation says young male drivers will particularly push themselves too hard on a long driving trip.

People setting off on long drives over the coming long weekends should plan their journeys to include a 20 minute break, with coffee or a caffeine drink.

This is particularly important because of the shortage of rest areas on our motorway network, so the planning should include going to off-motorway service areas where necessary.

AA Ireland also suggests sharing driving if there are two drivers in the car; too often this is the case but one person will do all the driving on a journey.

'Micro sleeps' happening to tired drivers can be lethal: three seconds at motorway speeds is 100 metres travelled without concentration on driving.

Symptoms of driver fatigue:

· Yawning
· Blinking a lot
· Fighting to keep your eyes open
· Struggling to focus on the road
· Daydreaming
· Rubbing your eyes
· Drifting across lanes
· Struggling to remember the last few kilometres
· Blurred vision
· Sensation of heavy limbs
· Slower reaction times
· Restlessness/boredom
· Falling asleep at the wheel