30 June 2011

Drivers change habits to save fuel

For many motorists driving is a necessity, not a luxury, but with fuel costs rocketing, eighty per cent of UK drivers have changed their driving behaviour to save fuel, according to the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

Of the 2,500 people polled, half said they had changed to a more eco-friendly driving style.

Some 38.10 per cent said they are making fewer journeys even walking or cycling shorter journeys instead of taking the car. Many are opting for public transport where this is possible. Over 18 per cent said they have bought a more fuel-efficient car.

But it seems drivers are not keen to give up their cars completely as 74 per cent were against this idea. More than half stick to the speed limit to keep fuel consumption down, and over 70 per cent check their tyre pressures regularly. Turning off the air-con and emptying the car of unnecessary clutter were also popular methods.

Other tips from the AIM on how to improve your mpg and cut emissions include:

*keep your vehicle moving rather than stopping and starting. Look further ahead and slow down earlier to avoid stopping. Driving at a constant speed is far more fuel efficient than heavy accelerating and braking.

*check your tyres as under-inflated ones have a big impact on fuel economy.

*try to avoid using air conditioning and climate control at low speeds as they increase fuel consumption. Open a window. But at high speeds, close your windows to maintain the aerodynamics of the car. Use air-con to get the car to a comfortable temperature, and then turn it off to save fuel.

*clean screens rarely mist up - so use the heater and air-con less.

*try changing up your gears earlier; for petrol engines at 2,500 rpm and diesel engines at 2,000 rpm.

*reverse into parking bays: manoeuvring with a cold engine uses more fuel, so make the most of having a hot engine.

*it will take most cars at least a couple of miles to warm up and run efficiently. Could you walk or cycle instead?

*drive at an even pace over speed humps. Slowing down and speeding up drinks more fuel.

*stick to the speed limit.