Deirdre Sinnott of the Health & Safety Authority and Eddie Murphy, MD of Ford Ireland, with a sample of the healthy meal which is being promoted by Ford and Applegreen to fleet drivers.
Ford Ireland launched a 'Drive to Fitness' campaign today aimed at encouraging company car and van drivers to look after their health through better food choices and more regular exercise.
Ford commissioned research into the lifestyle of these drivers and the findings show that they have health issues that are mainly attributable to the sedentary and often stress-filled nature of their work. Three out of four respondents admitted to being overweight, roughly 18 percent more than in the adult population at large. Four out of ten drivers admitted to regularly eating lunch in their vehicles with a quarter of these eating take-away food from shops or garages
The vast bulk of respondents—94 percent—said their employers do not promote healthy eating programmes or provide any type of medical screening
Eddie Murphy, Chairman and Chief Executive of Ford Ireland, said the campaign tries to highlight simple steps that these drivers can take in order to redress the balance.
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) have both also endorsed the campaign, which is being promoted through the Applegreen forecourts network.