7 December 2011

Fiat 'dismayed' at Budget hikes

Fiat Group Automobiles 'is dismayed' at the news that both fuel prices and motor tax rates are being targeted in the Budget, with drivers of cleaner, more efficient vehicles being particularly hard hit. Here is a statement issued by Fiat following the Budget yesterday.

From January 1st, 2012, drivers of vehicles in Band A will face a whopping 53 percent increase in their annual motor tax costs, while drivers of vehicles in Band B have to swallow an equally unpalatable 44 percent increase. "At the same time, drivers of vehicles in Band F, for example, will only see a motor tax increase of seven percent, while drivers of older (and less efficient) cars with motor tax rates based on engine size, face a more modest and proportional increase.

Fiat Group Automobiles Ireland finds these increases deeply unfair as they specifically target those conscientious buyers who recently opted for cleaner and more energy-efficient vehicles, placing an unwarranted and disproportional additional financial burden on motorists who clearly value the low running costs previously associated with these vehicles.

In addition, Fiat say, there has clearly been no thought given to all of those people living in remote areas, those driving back and forth every day from commuter towns, or those families with young children where there is no other suitable transport alternative. "The Government has also shown little regard for the thousands of jobs that the motor industry supports all over Ireland both directly and indirectly."

Quite simply, Fiat Group Automobiles Ireland sees the motor vehicle as a vital and hugely under-rated cog in the Irish economic machine and not a soft-target luxury to be taxed on whim.

For these reasons, Fiat Group Automobiles Ireland will be actively engaging in the consultation process announced by the Minister for Finance, Mr Michael Noonan, T.D. in his 2012 Budget speech, and will endeavour to secure for the Irish motorist a more equitable VRT and motor tax system while also providing the industry with a new number plate system which encourages a more even spread of sales throughout the year as well as more lead time to adapt to future taxation or policy changes.