29 November 2012

Tips on driving in icy conditions

Advice on how to drive on frost and ice is timely with icy conditions reported in many parts of the country this morning.

The IAM suggest you be prepared for the worst - icy conditions can affect accelerating, steering and braking. Here are some tips to help when driving in these conditions.

* Make sure you have de-icer and a scraper. Before setting off, clean any ice or condensation from all the windows to help visibility. A squirt of WD40 will prevent your door locks from freezing up.

* Set off in second gear, releasing the clutch and accelerating gently, avoiding high revs - this will prevent wheel spin. Use the 'ice' setting if your car has one.

* As you drive, stay in higher gears and don't drive too fast to avoid losing control.

* Stopping distances are increased by up to 10 times in icy conditions, so leave plenty of distance between your car and the car in front. On bends, approaching junctions, and going downhill, reduce your speed early so you have control and are in a suitable gear before driving through them.

* If your car loses grip, take your foot off the accelerator, and point the front wheels where you want to go. If you find yourself in a skid, steer into it. Keep to the main roads as they're more likely to be gritted. After frost has gone, ice can remain in areas which are shaded by trees and buildings.

* Make sure your wipers are in the off position when you stop - they can freeze to the window.