5 December 2012

New Road Tax, the numbers

Road Tax changes in the Budget have resulted in a number of extra bands, writes Brian Byrne.

There are now five 'A' rates, from A0 through to A4, two 'B' bands, and C, D, E, F and G.

The A0 band is for electric vehicles, and in this case the current Road Tax rate drops by €40 to €120.

The A1 band is for cars with emissions of 1-80g/km CO2, and the annual tax will be €170. A2 is between 81-100g/km and the tax will be €180. A3 will run between 101-110g/km with a tax of €190 annually, and A4 will be for emissions 111-120g/km with an annual rate of €200.

The B1 band covers emissions between 121-130g/km, attracting a tax rate of €270 annually. B2 goes from 131-140g/km with a tax rate of €280.

The C band will now cost €390 annually, D will be €570, E will be €750, F rises to €1,200 and G to €2,350.

For owners of cars that were in the previous A band, the tax rises range €10-40. In the former B band, they are €45-55 more expensive. Those with cars in C-G will pay between €60-92 extra.