6 December 2012

Volvo pushes on with 'driverless' car

Volvo Car is planning to launch 'self-drive' car systems by 2014 which will take over all the physical management of driving a car in traffic, writes Brian Byrne.

It's part of the company's technological development programme aimed at producing an injury-free car by 2020.

The Traffic Jam Assistance feature under test will be limited to speeds of 50km/h. It's a further development of radar and camera based technology that has already resulted in successful anti-collision systems launched first in Volvos and now available in a range of other brand models.

This writer has already experienced a similar system under development by Ford.

The technical elements are already in place. Legal issues are the big holdup for the arrival of the 'driverless' car.

Pictured above is a 'road train' test of the the technologies recently undertaken by Volvo in Spain.