8 March 2013

Motor Club supports Cystic Fibrosis Ireland

The Carrick on Suir Motor Club have teamed up with Cystic Fibrosis Ireland as their nominated charity for the running of this year's Plasticbags.ie Willie Loughman Forest Rally, writes Trevor McGrath, Press Officer, Carrick on Suir Motor Club.

Clerk of the Course for the rally, Andrew Purcell, says "In deciding to work with this charity, I was very impressed by the work they do. Cystic Fibrosis is a very debilitating disease and I hope the funds we raise help in some small way."

The partnership between the Motor Club and the charity will see Craig Breen carry the Cystic Fibrosis livery on the 00 course car on the April 14 event. The car, Craig and members of the charity will also be fundraising in City Square, Waterford City on Saturday April 6. The car will then also be in MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre, Kilkenny City, and in Wexford Shopping Centre in the week leading up to the rally for further fundraising efforts.

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland provides funding towards new Cystic Fibrosis units around the country, including dedicated in-patient, day care and out-patient facilities.