18 June 2013

Dual reg plate 'as simple as 132'

For the first time in Irish history, a second registration plate, 132 will soon be on the Irish roads from 1 July, writes Trish Whelan.

The 131 plate already covers the first six months of the year from January to June, and SIMI members are now gearing up for launch of the 132 plate.

SIMI President Paul Linders, speaking at the launch of a special 132 logo said "Contrary to popular belief the change to the registration system, which is here to stay, is not an attempt to avoid the number 13." He said SIMI has been seeking a two-period registration system for the last four or five years.

"Our Industry has become very seasonal with 70 percent of new car sales occurring in the first four months of the year. This has resulted in unnecessarily difficult stocking and funding pressures on car dealers in the first half of the year."

Up to now, consumers may not have had a realistic option of buying a new car in the second half of the year. This is set to change as there is now the attraction of buying a new car in summer weather because the new 132 plate will add benefit when it comes to trading-in that car in due course.

SIMI has produced a special 132 Logo with the motto 'Think July - Think New Car'. A dedicated website www.132.ie has also been launched to help consumers with the second registration plate.

SIMI expects to see some pick-up in car sales in July as interest develops in the new period but in reality this is a long-term project as it will take some years to significantly change traditional buying patterns.

Mr Linders added "The Motor Industry will be doing its best to encourage sales and there are some really great offers out there while the 131 Plate reaches its end and for the launch of the new 132 Plate."