15 July 2013

It's never too late to vaccinate

It is a common misconception amongst travellers that if you leave it too close to your departure date to get your vaccinations, then they won't work, writes Trish Whelan.

The truth is, while it's advised to get your vaccinations 4-6 weeks before you travel, in most cases it is never too late - it is much safer to get them just before you go than not at all. The advised time is a precaution to give your body time to adjust to the vaccinations and in case any side-effects occur.

The Tropical Medical Bureau now have 22 clinics throughout Ireland and offer the full range of vaccinations needed for any destination. They also offer a consultation service where you will be advised of which vaccinations you will need for wherever you plan to travel and the risks you may face. The TMB also offer a post-holiday screening service if you are unwell upon your return home, as well as a 24-hour hotline for existing customers.

Dr Graham Fry, Medical Director of the Tropical Medical Bureau, explains that it is vital to know what vaccinations are needed for the country you are visiting. "Fortunately, the vaccines usually work faster than the disease itself and so will at least lessen the severity of the illness."

The Tropical Medical Bureau can be contacted on 1850 487674 or through www.tmb.ie