9 September 2013

Slow traffic easier in S-Class

Mercedes-Benz is offering a Stop & Go Pilot option with its S-Class that is aimed at taking the drudgery out of driving in slow moving traffic, writes Brian Byrne.

The €2,678 system uses 12 ultrasonic detectors, five cameras, and six radar sensors, all of which help the car to autimatically match the speed of the car in front of it in heavy traffic, even coming to a complete stop and adjusting steering to stay in the lane.

BMW, Ford and Volvo are also working on similar systems. There's still a big 'if' in the legals, department, though. If it doesn't work, the driver is still responsible.

Well, that's what carmakers are keen to say. But you can bet there's a big lawsuit just waiting to jump out down that (slow moving traffic) road.