24 August 2016

'Back to School' campaign launched by RSA

The Road Safety Authority and ESB Networks launched their ‘Back to School’ safety campaign this week, emphasising making sure children are visible, writes Brian Byrne.

The campaign is aimed both at parents and their children, with behaviour at bus stops and ensuring that children use seat-belts being a key part of a ‘check-list’ for children as they return to school.

RSA chief executive Moya Murdock said this campaign needs to be repeated every year because there are new cohorts of children entering the school system.

“As parents and guardians, we have a responsibility to ensure our youngest and most vulnerable road-users are safe when travelling to and from school,” she added. “One of the easiest ways to do this is to ensure they wear high visibility material when walking, cycling or getting the bus to school. Motorists should also be on the look-out for children making their journey to school and to modify their behaviour accordingly.”

Gerry Mooney, Manager, Safety and Organisational Transformation at ESB Networks said the campaign will include the distribution of 80,000 high visibility vests to all children starting school in September.

Chief Superintendent Aidan Reid, An Garda Síochána said it’s also really important that adults and young adults demonstrate safe behaviour around young people. “So if you’re a parent, grandparent, older brother or sister, make sure you set a good example any time you use the road.”