Ford is planning to have systems in its cars within two years which will help eliminate one of the most nerve-wracking manoeuvres for drivers — reversing 'blind' out of a parking space, writes Brian Byrne.
Being developed at the company's European Research & Innovation centre in Aachen, Germany, that particular system is designed to detect approaching unseen vehicles and people and automatically brake the car.
It's just one of a suite of technologies devised to make parking easier and safer, steer safely around emergencies at highway speeds, detecting cyclists ahead, and preventing wrong-way motorway driving.
Parking incidents are responsible for one in four accidents in the UK, and parking is the manoeuvre which a majority of motorists says causes them the most stress.
An in development Evasive Steering Assist uses radar and a camera to detect slower moving and stationary vehicles ahead and provides steering support to enable drivers to avoid a vehicle if a collision is imminent.
A related use will detect and identify cyclists in the road ahead and can automatically apply the brakes if a collision is imminent and the driver does not respond to warnings, helping reduce the severity of accidents or avoid them altogether.