26 August 2020

Nissan and AIB initiative to boost EV sales

Nissan and AIB have come together to help put more Electric Vehicle drivers onto Irish roads and help support the transition to a low-carbon economy, writes Brian Byrne.

The ‘Power of Zero’ initiative offers consumers the opportunity to buy a new Nissan LEAF with 0pc finance and to avail of one year’s free servicing. Customers who do so can save in excess of €13,000 in finance and running costs and 11 tonnes of C02 emissions over five years, which is equivalent to planting 181,887 trees.

The Nissan LEAF is Ireland’s best-selling EV with 5,406 of Ireland’s 11,684 EV drivers having already chosen the zero emissions vehicle

Pictured are James McCarthy, CEO Nissan and Yvonne Holmes, Chief Sustainability Officer, AIB.