21 May 2008

One in five young drug drive

One in ten Irish motorists and a fifth of young motorists surveyed by Hibernian Insurance admitted to driving while under the influence of drugs.

In its 2008 Motoring Report, the company also says that Dublin shows the highest incidence of driving under the influence of recreational drugs at 16 percent of total respondents. The rest of Leinster (excluding Dublin) and Munster recorded a 9 percent incidence and Connaught/Ulster recorded a 5 percent incidence.

In other details, almost 70 percent of responents said they believe that the introduction of speed cameras has had a positive impact on road safety and 63 percent say that the use of speed cameras should be increased to enforce speed limits.

But there were anomalies. When asked if they see themselves as law abiding 93 percent said yes. Yet half of drivers aged under 35 and one third of drivers aged over 35 admitted to speeding most days.

Many motorists questioned were unaware of what exactly the drink driving limits are. Only 21 percent of respondents could correctly identify the number of milligrams of alcohol per litre of blood (80mgs/100ml) that is allowed. One third of respondents nominate a figure that is higher than the correct amount and 22 percent identify a figure that is lower than the correct amount.
